Astral Chain looks all set to continue the trend of excellent action games made by PlatinumGames. With a little over a month left before its launch, it’s continued to look better the more we’ve seen of it, and now, we have some more gameplay footage to gawk at.
Courtesy of GameXplain, we have over five minutes of new direct feed footage to enjoy, which you can view below. It shows the Ark and its city environments (which we’ve seen before), the game’s “synergetic” combat (which we’ve also seen plenty of), the player making use of the Iris (which is essentially Astral Chain’s version of detective vision, or Witcher vision- take your pick), and investigation gameplay as the player attempts to solve the case of a haunted dumpster (really). Take a look below.
Astral Chain is out exclusively for the Nintendo Switch on August 30th- it’ll take up 9.6 GB of storage space in your system. Find out why the game doesn’t have a voiced protagonist through here.