Western companies seem to like bringing ports of their failed handheld side projects to consoles and PC a few months after they have released and failed (because they were crap, because they weren’t given proper attention, because western companies don’t like taking handhelds seriously). It’s become a trend- after the launch of Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed Liberation (originally on Vita) on consoles and of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow: Mirror of Fate (originally on 3DS) on PC and consoles, Warner Bros. is bringing Batman: Arkham Asylum Blackgate (originally on Vita and 3DS) to PC and consoles.
The game launches today on the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii U, and PC over Xbox Live, PSN Store, Nintendo eShop, and Steam. Warner Bros. is promising that this port enhances the core pillars of the previously released handheld version of the game with high-definition visuals, an all-new map system, new enemy encounters, difficulty levels, and batsuits.
I guess for series completionists, this is just making the job of playing every single Batman: Arkham game (especially ahead of the launch of Arkham Knight) easier.