Best Buy Exec: Price Difference Between PS4 And Xbox One Not An Issue

John Koller also outlines the role of current gen consoles.

Posted By | On 21st, Jan. 2014


The price difference between the Xbox One and PS4 has been a major talking point since E3 2013. So much so in fact, that many believed – among other things – that Microsoft should offer a Kinect-less package to compete with the PS4’s price. With the launch of both consoles and their respective successes, just how far has price really mattered?

Best Buy executive Chris Koller recently spoke to during the Best Buy Madden NFL 25 Ultimate Gamer Showdown at the Dallas Cowboys Stadium, and when asked how the $100 price difference has played a part thus far, he responded, “When we have an opportunity to talk to customers and really explain what you get for either console, they’re really excited for it and we haven’t seen price be an issue at all.”

As for the role that current gen systems would play in the coming years, since this is the first time that two older consoles are being supported alongside two next gen consoles, Koller stated that, “Certainly a lower price point so maybe people are getting into the gaming systems. They might want to try it with an Xbox 360 or PS3 before taking the step up into the next gen consoles. We think that will be, as well as folks who have been gamers for a long time on those systems who aren’t ready to make the step up. So we’ll support both platforms as we go in to next year and beyond.”

Do you still believe that price matters when choosing between the PS4 and Xbox One or is it about something more? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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