Well, it’s official. After announcing that Microsoft intended to purchase Bethesda via buying out their parent company Zenimax, the once independent third party publisher is now under the umbrella of Microsoft. While we probably won’t feel the full impact of that move on the industry for a few years, it does seem as of it’s going well for the developers involved for now.
Shortly after the reveal of the latest content roadmap for Fallout 76, several developers participated in a Reddit AMA. While the focus on it was obviously about Fallout 76, it was asked what the transition has been like with the recent buyout. Project lead Jeff Gardiner stated that it’s been smooth so far, and that they look forward to working with them for future projects, saying, “The transition to working with Microsoft has gone very smoothly and we’re excited to be able to partner with them for all things Fallout into the future.”
Of course, if you want to play the cynic, it’s doubtful that had there been some issues that someone would go out of there way to mention it, but let’s try and be positive. New entries in the Fallout series will be exclusive to the Xbox ecosystem, or the Xbox Game Pass ecosystem at least, so let’s hope all really is well.