Guerrilla's Hermen Hulst congratulates dev team.
You're in for the long haul with NieR: Automata.
Fergus Urquhart, CEO of Obsidian Entertainment reveals it all.
Just a matter of weeks before the game comes out.
Right on schedule.
And it looks really good.
Find out what's new in this week's reset.
First DLC out today for PS4.
William will have his hands full.
Free weekend coming this week.
High resolution graphics all around.
That's pretty good, all things considered.
Well that's a bit of a shame.
The soul of the industry.
That's the original Phantom Dust.
No dedicated servers sadly.
Well, that would explain Skyward Sword.
So just like any other modern device, then.
Pre-order culture, not necessarily for the best.