"I can not say that the PSVR will have the same kind of cycle as a traditional console."
Featuring updated graphics and gameplay mechanics.
50 games tracked for release this year.
Gearbox's MOBA/FPS has gone gold.
But can it love?
Gentlemen? To evil!
They called it 'motion matching.'
Price point not revealed yet.
Significant gains come at the cost of some familiarity.
Palmer Luckey offers his thoughts on the PS VR's price point.
But they will look into this feature from a Windows 10 standpoint.
No confirmation from Nintendo just yet.
Your first look at the upcoming survival game.
IO Interactive currently investigating.
"For those asking if VR will see AAA games and titles, I think the answer is yes."
The most mass market VR solution.
Fixes and tweaks a whole lot of things.
I didn't even know that was a word.
That's one expensive card.
Exciting times ahead.