The Uncharted franchise is making its PC debut with Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End and Uncharted: The Lost Legacy through Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection. How well have they made the jump from c...
Ghostbusters: Spirit Unleashed might be worth looking into for fans of the franchise, but may be worth passing for anyone other than that niche.
Amicia and Hugo return for yet another unforgettable journey.
The worlds of Super Mario and Rabbids collide once again, and once again, the results are impressive.
The impossible dream comes true, at last.
The H.R. Giger-inspired first-person horror game Scorn is finally out. We got to play it over the weekend, and here are our thoughts on whether or not Scorn is the right horror game for you.
With so many Soulslikes to play, The Last Oricru struggles to make a case for itself.
Constructing and exploring make this Lego builder mostly worth your while.
Team 4's hero shooter offers stellar gameplay in its early access release, hamstrung by some progression and monetization issues.
Deathverse: Let It Die has some interesting things going for it, but it ends up sorely lacking in other elements.
Dakar Desert Rally combines a lot of modern features that great racing games need, but occasionally gets in its own way with technical issues.
Valkyrie Elysium trades in its classic gameplay in order to become a great hack ‘n slash RPG.
Moonscars is so good at most of what it does that its few flaws can't detract from it.
Unambitious and rote by design.
The DioField Chronicle deserves praise for some of its fresh ideas, but it's got more than a few issues that drag down the experience.
Lackluster story mode and bland visual presentation drags down the experience offered by Session: Skate Sim.
Quite a few games let us play as badass killers. Serial Cleaners, however, wants to give us a glimpse of the life of the people who have to clean up the mess left behind by these killers.
Shovel Knight is almost an entire decade old, but Yacht Club Games keeps figuring out new ways to play the game. How well does its latest attempt do at capturing the classic Shovel Knight feeling?
Rated arrr.
Arkane Studios' shooter is finally available on Xbox Series consoles with a large new update, but it's still very much the same middling experience.