Amazing facts you need to know about the upcoming PS4 exclusive RPG.
Little known facts to get your Uncharted craze filled!
Every console has its fair share of amazing occurrences. Here are a few surrounding Microsoft's Xbox.
Not every game is unique and special. Here are 15 of the worst gaming rip offs.
The Division may be heaps of fun but how bright is the future?
Ubisoft makes subtle references to games, movies and other entertainment media in The Division.
Not all boss fights are a challenge. Some are so easy it's embarrassing.
A lot of great new and returning features to get you ready for the newest entry in the Hitman series.
Blood dragons, Assassins, fire and more await to be discovered.
Not every health item can be a classic. Here are 15 of the dumbest.
There are some things that are hard to resist doing in games, and here are 15 of the best.
The GTA series is fun but here are some things that exceptionally annoy its players.
Where does Geralt keep all those potions and weapons?
Some seemingly happy games actually have some of the scariest moments in gaming.
Get ready for this year's horde of 3rd person awesomeness.
Didn't get into the closed beta? Too busy at work or school for the open beta? We've got you covered!
Find out some great hoaxes and rumors that are so fake but at the time we thought were so real!
Spiders are crawling all over our games, and here are the 15 scariest!
Some weapons in games may seem dumb, but then they turn out to be a tool you can't go into the field without!
Do you dare to visit these locations during night?