Microsoft’s Xbox has had a rather storied history with gamers, ranging from the bizarre reveal of Kinect with Cirque de Soleil to the celebrated success of the Halo franchise. That being said, there’s plenty that gamers don’t exactly know about the Xbox platform, ranging from its origin to some of the odder things Microsoft did to ensure the perfect Xbox One controller. Let’s take a look at some of the more amazing facts you may not know about Xbox.
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Ms. Pac-Man was first XBLA game
Before there was the Xbox Live Marketplace, we had Xbox Live Arcade. Though still a storefront, it placed an emphasis on smaller titles that could be easily downloaded. It’s also the platform for which Jonathan Blow’s Braid debuted and rose to prominence. However, the very first Xbox Live Arcade title was a most unlikely game – Ms. Pac Man. It was essentially offered for free in 2007 for every Xbox with the Xbox Live Arcade disc.