Wrecking Zone, Crackdown 3’s multiplayer mode, launched with the distinct lack of support for grouping with friends. Though it’s been over two months, Sumo Digital has finally added the same. If you’ve been waiting for a chance to destroy pretty much everything alongside a friend or two, then this might be worth checking out.
Crackdown 1 and 2 players – or at least those who got the games for free – also have something to check out. Crackdown’s Getting Busy DLC and Crackdown 2’s Deluge and Toy Box DLC are now free along with the base games. They may not have aged well (especially Crackdown 2), but this is still a good reason to check them out.
Crackdown 3 is currently available for Xbox One and Windows 10 on PC. Seeing its fair share of delays before finally releasing this past February, it was criticized for its overall design and underwhelming visuals. Check out GamingBolt’s official review here, and also our analysis of the game’s cloud-based destruction.
Heads-up, Agents! Today, we’re releasing an update that brings Squad-support to Wrecking Zone! We’re also making CD1’s “Getting Busy” DLC as well as CD2’s “Deluge” and “Toybox” packs FREE to download. So grab those bits, gather your friends, and have a BOOMTASTIC weekend! pic.twitter.com/RnlGMeaLKb
— Crackdown (@crackdown) April 19, 2019