Cyberpunk 2077 is finally here after what feels like one of the longest hype cycles we’ve ever had for a game. It has been a massive financial success, but has also been plagued with technical issues, especially for those on base versions of previous gen consoles. The title has been far reaching, however, even in places where it technically hasn’t released.
If you’re unaware, Cyberpunk 2077 has not been approved for sale in China. The country is known for its very strict approval process, and there’s lots of things in 2077 that would need to be significantly edited most likely to be allowed official release. Whether it will be ever have one or not, it seems players in the region are finding a way to play it regardless. As detailed by Niko Partners and analyst Daniel Ahmad on Twitter, the game has already shot up on Chinese streaming sites and Chinese users are flocking to Steam and imports from the US and other parts of Asia to play the game. China was apparently even the #1 pre-order market for the game on PC at one point, Ahmad states.
It’s an interesting dynamic, and it goes to show just how much, and for how long, the hype machine for Cyberpunk 2077 has been going on. CD Projekt RED will no doubt continue polishing the game with patches and we know a variety of DLC is planned, including full expansions.
Cyberpunk 2077 is off to a great start in China
— Daniel Ahmad (@ZhugeEX) December 11, 2020
On its first day, more than 19m cumulative viewers tuned in to Chinese game streaming sites to watch more than 7,500 streamers play the game
China was also the #1 market for PC pre-orders at one point and day 1 sales are strong
This makes the success of the game all the more impressive in China. We will share more at a later date.
— Daniel Ahmad (@ZhugeEX) December 11, 2020
The data in the first tweet is from our China Games Streaming tracker. More info about the tool is available here: