I’ve watched the incredible Cyberpunk 2077 gameplay reveal four times now (rookie numbers, I know), and every time, I’m amazed at the atmosphere and the sense of place the game’s portraying. Granted, it probably won’t look exactly the way it does right now when the game finally launches, as CD Projekt RED have re-iterated themselves, but if this is the sort of world they’re going for, there’s a whole lot to be excited for.
In the demo, we saw the protagonist, V, teaming up with what seems like another major character, for the entirety of a mission. Watching the demo, you might be forgiven for thinking that the game’s going to have a system for companion characters, similar to Mass Effect, but it looks like that’s not going to be the case. Over at the official Cyberpunk 2077 forums, the game’s senior quest designer Philipp Weber confirmed that Cyberpunk 2077 will be approaching this in a manner similar to The Witcher, where players might be teaming up with NPCs where the story demands it, but that there won’t really be a companions system to speak of.
“Like in The Witcher, if the story calls for it, you will have a companion or two for a mission,” Weber said. “But we don’t want to do a ‘companion system’ where you’re never alone. In some quests you will be by yourself, in some you will have one person like Jackie or even a whole group, and in other quests you might be alone or with someone else depending on the choices you made. We really want to have it fit the story, so basically you’ll always have someone with you if we think it’ll be interesting.”
Weber also gave some brief details on how your own choices might also affect whether or not you’ll have a companion for the duration of a mission. “Like I said, it can also be dependent on the choices you made,” he said. “Sometimes if you leave someone behind and it makes sense for the story for them to stay behind, we’ll do it. And another time they might catch up. Whatever works best in a situation.”
But that’s not all- Cyberpunk 2077 is looking like it wants to build a truly open environment, a world where players can live and breathe as if they’re truly a part of it. Which means, of course, that you’ll be able to purchase properties as well. A user on Reddit posted a screenshot of an image of a conversation with the official Facebook page of Cyberpunk 2077, where the latter confirmed that players in the game will have opportunities to purchase or unlock different properties as well. You can see the screenshot below.
If you’re thirsty for more details on Cyberpunk 2077, you’re in luck- there’s been plenty of them in recent days and week. Just within the last few days, we’ve learned about fail-states in quests and how they might affect the story’s progression, the possibility of destructible environments in the game, and how CD Projekt RED is going all in on making Night City feel like a real city. Make sure you read all about it. Cyberpunk 2077 is slated for launch… we don’t know when, actually, but stay tuned, and we’ll keep you updated.