If you play a Hideo Kojima game, there’s very little chance you won’t see a character looking like a badass while they smoke (which you shouldn’t do because smoking is bad). Death Stranding might not have Big Boss or Solid Snake (unless the conspiracy theorists are correct), but it’s still going to have heavy smoker on the screen.
And that’s Cliff, the character played be legendary Danish actor Mads Mikkelsen. In the newest trailer we saw for the game, we saw Cliff on screen quite a lot, and in several of those scenes, we could see him smoking. Recently, Hideo Kojima took to Twitter to talk about how he decided to write the character as a heavy smoker. While originally he wasn’t written that way, Kojima once saw Mads smoking during a break while filming scenes for the game, and decided to take that aspect of the actor and inject it into the character.
Kojima’s been quite talkative about Death Stranding on Twitter of late. He’s spoken about the game’s stealth aspects, exploration, equipment, and loads more. As we get closer to the game’s November 8 launch, I expect we’ll only be hearing a great deal more moving forward.
Cliff played by Mads in the new DS trailer is a heavy smoker. When I first wrote the script, Cliff wasn’t a smoker but I changed his character setting after seeing him smoke during the break of filming. #DEATHSTRANDIG #デススト pic.twitter.com/rx80UxbbMR