We’ve seen quite a bit of Dragon’s Dogma 2 in recent weeks, and though Capcom has still yet to announce a release date for the open world action RPG, it seems it might not be too far off from launching globally.
The game has been rated in Saudia Arabia, and given the fact that classification ratings for titles generally tend to happen in the latter stages of their development periods, when they’re close to launch, the assumption would be that Capcom’s action RPG could be releasing in the relatively near future.
Interestingly enough, Capcom has previously said that it has a major release planned before April 2024. Though a translation of the original Japanese Q&A described the title as “unannounced”, as VGC points out, the official English version published by Capcom instead calls it an “undisclosed” game, which could potentially be pointing at Dragon’s Dogma 2.
There has been speculation that the title being referred to is actually the next mainline Monster Hunter game, but with Capcom’s target release window ending in a few months’ time, it’s worth wondering whether there will be enough time for the company to announce, market, and release a major title.
Either way, we should hopefully know more soon enough (perhaps at The Game Awards next month?) so stay tuned.