A new showcase for Capcom’s Dragon’s Dogma 2 is set for November 28th at 1 PM PT. While PEGI may have already leaked the release date, fans can still look forward to 15 minutes of new gameplay and details. Before that, the developer confirmed in a tweet that two mechanics from the first game – Ferrystones and Portcrystals – are returning.
Portcrystals are anchor points for fast-travel that players can place anywhere on the map (though permanent locations also exist for teleporting). The tradeoff is that you must access a Portcrystal to fast-travel to another. That’s where Ferrystones come in, serving as consumable items to teleport to any Portcrystal, be it your own or the permanent ones in the world.
Whether Capcom has made any changes to the mechanic – like reducing the weight of Portcrystals so they’re not so heavy to lug around – remains to be seen. Dragon’s Dogma 2 is out on March 22nd 2024, for Xbox Series X/S, PC and PS5, per PEGI. Stay tuned for more details from the upcoming showcase in the meantime.
Use a Ferrystone to get around quickly by instantly teleporting to a Portcrystal on the map.
Don't forget, the Dragon's Dogma 2 Showcase 2023 streams next Tuesday, Nov 28 at 1pm PT/9pm GMT. See you there!#DragonsDogma2 #DD2 pic.twitter.com/yDXhhmp16g
— Dragon's Dogma (@DragonsDogma) November 24, 2023