Bethesda have constantly been sharing new details and updates on how certain systems will work in Fallout 76, from things such as randomized loot to trading and sleeping bonuses. We’ve now got a few more of those details, thanks to Bethesda’s SVP of marketing and PR Pete Hines’ activity on Twitter.
A fan asked a pretty interesting question- if you loot a house in the game, then quite the game and reload, would the loot in the house have respawned, allowing you to loot again? Hines said that that won’t be the case, and that everything in the world will respawn within a fixed number of hours (he didn’t say how many), and that it wouldn’t be dependent on the player.
Another interesting question asked Hines about camps. In Fallout 76, when you sign out of the game, your base goes offline with you. So if you log back in, and some other player has built their base in the same location while you were off, what happens to your base? According to Hines, since your base is portable, that shouldn’t be a problem, and you can just put it in some other location- though given how large the map in the game is, Hines hopes that that doesn’t have to happen very often.
Lastly, Hines confirmed that if you die in the middle of a quest, you have to pick it back up again wherever you respawn, since you can’t save the game anymore, thanks to automatic saving which is now done by the game itself.
Fallout 76 is due out on November 14 for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Its beta begins later this month.
no. it is not dependent on you. it's set inside the world and things wouldn't respawn for several hours (no, I'm not telling you how many)
— Pete Hines (@DCDeacon) October 5, 2018
their base would be packed up into their C.A.M.P. and they'd have to pick a new location. given the size of the world and the number of locations you can build in, hopefully it won't happen very often
— Pete Hines (@DCDeacon) October 5, 2018
You’d have to pick it back up wherever you respawn. You don’t save. Game progress is continuously updated and saved by us
— Pete Hines (@DCDeacon) October 6, 2018