Following the release of Wastelanders, Bethesda has quite the year planned for Fallout 76. It will introduce Seasons into the mix along with new activities, quests and factions (including the return of the Brotherhood of Steel). Of course, Seasons usually mean battle passes or the like and Bethesda’s wording about the “inaugural Summer Season” being free raised some eyebrows.
Worry not, however. The company has confirmed on Twitter that Seasons will be free for all players. “We may add extra Fallout 1st bonus rewards in the future, but want to focus on getting Season 1 in game first and seeing your thoughts,” said the developer. Keep in mind that other monetization methods could be introduced down the line.
Fallout 76’s progression system will be overhauled when Seasons launch with players earning S.C.O.R.E. points to progress through different tiers. These will unlock cosmetics, Atoms and Legendary Scrip with milestone rewards unlocked at certain ranks. Bethesda will also be adding new Legendary Perks, Public Teams and a new Legendary Boss event when the Summer Season debuts so stay tuned for more details in the coming months.
To clarify, our Seasons in Fallout 76 are going to be free for all our players. We may add extra Fallout 1st bonus rewards in the future, but want to focus on getting Season 1 in game first and seeing your thoughts.
Sorry for confusion on this.
— Bethesda Game Studios (@BethesdaStudios) May 20, 2020