Bethesda has had few ups and many downs when it comes to Fallout 76. All of that could turn around when it releases Wastelanders, a massive update that sees human NPCs, dialogue trees and choice-driven gameplay arrive in the title. Though slated to release early this year, Bethesda is looking to test the update beforehand.
In a recent announcement, it invited PC players to register for a chance to try out Wastelanders on a private test server before release. A non-disclosure agreement must be signed so don’t expect any new details or media to emerge from this. Registration is available until January 14th, 3 PM PST with testing starting on January 17th.
As for how many players will be chosen, Bethesda said that, “Currently, we are only looking for a few hundred players to join us in playtesting. While this means that not everyone who opts-in will be selected, we wanted to ensure that as many of our most active and experienced community members as possible have the chance to opt in for consideration.” At least having a subscription to Fallout 1st doesn’t seem to be a prerequisite.
Though no details will be shared from the private test (save for any potential leaks), it should be interesting to see what state Wastelanders will be in. In December alone, Fallout 76 players faced a bug that caused Legendary Armor attributes to break outright and an exploit that allowed other players to steal from one’s inventory. Hopefully this private test at least ensures that the base game won’t outright break when the update launches.