In its most recent weekly post for Fallout 76, Bethesda has announced Fallout 1st, a subscription service for the title. It costs $12.99 per month and $99.99 for 12 months, and offers access to the coveted Private Worlds where up to eight players can play together. Mods are currently not supported in Private Worlds.
There are other benefits to being a Fallout 1st member like the Scrapbox. This lets you store as many crafting components as possible and can be accessed in public servers as well. It’s also separate from the default storage which makes it all the more beneficial. Then there’s the Survival Tent, which can be set up as a free Fast Travel point anywhere, and contains a Stash, Scrapbox, Sleeping Bag and Cooking Station.
Subscribers also receive 1,650 Atoms monthly to spend in the Atom Shop along with access to exclusive sales; the Ranger Armor Outfit; and some unique icons and emotes. The system actually feels very familiar to that seen in The Elder Scrolls Online, though time will tell if it’s received well. Stay tuned for more details in the meantime.