Bethesda’s newest update for Fallout 76, “Wild Appalachia”, is available on all platforms following a small delay. It brings new quests, new crafting systems, a new PvP Survival mode, the ability to preview Atomic Shop items in the Change Appearance menu, and much more. Console players will need to download a 20 GB update, while PC players have to download 13.7 GB.
The biggest part of the update is its new brewing and distilling systems, allowing players to create Nukashine. There’s a new questline to complete and unlock these systems. Daily quests for creating and drinking to learn new recipes are also included. Next week will also see the launch of Fallout 76’s first seasonal event, the Fasnacht Parade.
This begins on March 19th and involves protecting a parade of robots from hostiles. The more robots protected, the better the loot, including a chance to earn rare masks. It will only be available till March 26th though. For more information on the major changes in this patch, see below (full notes here).
Patch Highlights
- New Questline – Wasted on Nukashine: Complete this questline to uncover the secrets of the notorious and illicit Nukashine and unlock the new Brewing and Distilling crafting system.
- New Crafting System – Brewing and Distilling: Become the Wasteland’s premiere bartender by learning to craft a wide variety of new drinks using the new Brewing Workbench and the Fermenter.
- New Seasonal Event Quest – Fasnacht Parade: Aid the dutiful bots of Helvetia with their Fasnacht preparations and parade to banish Old Man Winter, claim some sweet loot, and have a chance to claim fantastic Fasnacht masks.
- Energy and Heavy Weapons Balance: We’ve implemented a number of balance changes for energy and heavy weapons to help them last longer before needing repairs and increase their damage output.
- Challenge Tracking: A Challenge Tracker has been added to the Map to give you better visibility into your current active Challenges. You can also use it to keep an eye on progress toward the Challenges that are most important to you.
- Player Reporting: We’ve added a player reporting system to the Social Menu that you can use to report other players for a variety of inappropriate or negative behaviors.
Wild Appalachia
New Questline – Wasted on Nukashine
- Begin this questline by finding and reading one of the Party Invitation Posters that VTU students have plastered throughout Appalachia, including at Train Stations, to join in the revelry.
- Party Invitation Posters are also available for free in the Atomic Shop until 9:00 a.m. EDT on April 9. Once claimed, you can place the poster in your C.A.M.P. and read it to begin the quest.
New Crafting System – Brewing and Distilling
- A new Brewing Workbench has been added that you’ll learn to build by completing the Wasted on Nukashine questline. Use it to craft a variety of new Wines, Spirits, Beers, and Mixed Drinks that will temporarily apply positive and negative effects when consumed.
- Several Brewing and Distilling Daily and Weekly Challenges have also been added.
New C.A.M.P. Object – Fermenter
- Some drinks require fermentation time before they’re ready to be consumed. Wines and Spirits can also be aged further to gain additional, more powerful effects.
- The Fermenter C.A.M.P. object has been added to aid in this process and can be unlocked by completing Wasted on Nukashine.
Brew up a new batch of drinks using the Brewing Workbench and then use the Fermenter to select those concoctions and age them twice as fast.
New Daily Quests – Brewing and Distilling
- Once per day, after you’ve completed the Wasted on Nukashine questline, you can speak to Biv to continue experimentation and occasionally learn new recipes.
- Sometimes, you’ll be asked to imbibe various types of alcohol and perform specific tasks. Other times, you’ll learn a new recipe and will need to craft the brew to Biv’s satisfaction.
New Seasonal Event Quest – Fasnacht Parade
- This repeatable, limited-time event will be available for one week, from March 19 – 26.
- Travel to the town of Helvetia to aid the local Protectrons as they prepare for the annual Fasnacht celebration and parade. Guide the bots to the end of their parade route to claim new loot, which may include new C.A.M.P. plans, and gain a chance to earn a fantastic Fasnacht mask.
- There are many Fasnacht masks up for grabs, and some are exceedingly rare. Trade with your friends to acquire any particular mask that catches your eye.