When it comes to Forza Horizon 5, or any racing game for that matter, your thoughts no doubt goes to the cars (of which there will be a lot in Forza as expected) and the chaos of the races you’ll be participating in. No doubt those who get in on the new Horizon are primed and ready to go, but today, the team decided to show off something a little different, something a bit more soothing to the soul over the grind of metal and tires on the open roads.
Via the official YouTube, the Forza Horizon 5 crew has released a video just under 30 minutes long. There is no gameplay here, though, instead opting to give you some relaxing music. It features ambient sounds that will all be in-game as well as the various backgrounds from the game’s Mexico setting. It’s probably not exactly what you expect from marketing for this game, but might be something to kick back to.
Forza Horizon 5 is set to release on November 9th for Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One and PC. You can check out the game’s opening showcase for something a little more action-packed through here.