Sony Santa Monica, the developers behind the excellent 2018 release God of War, have very recently shipped the game’s PC port to great reviews. In an interview with Game Informer, God of War creative director Cory Barlog talked about what went down behind-the-scenes to get the PC port greenlighted by execs through the Sony hierarchy.
Barlog says that it was a team effort of all studios coming together, and nudging Sony to do this. He says that Sony eventually gave in after it reached a tipping point with all the suggestions they were getting from studios, which then finally led to the project starting out.
“I think it was the collective of studios all over saying this is a really good idea. We should be looking into this,” he said. “Eventually, I think it reached that tipping point. When we had sent so many suggestion box suggestions that they were like, ‘I’m tired of hearing all this. Fine, we’ll do this.’”
“It’s a process. We’re still figuring it out as a company and as individual studios how to do this and what the process and strategy will be,” Barlog added.
Sony has been making some very important investments towards putting its IPs on PC, most recently with its acquisition of Nixxess Software – a studio that specializes in bringing console games to PC. Over the past couple of years, we have seen games such as the likes of Days Gone, Horizon Zero Dawn, and now even God of War and Uncharted come to the PC, and given how the costs of development continue to balloon generation after generation, it probably won’t be long until Sony adopts a similar approach to exclusives like Xbox.