Over three years after its initial release, Capcom’s Monster Hunter World has set yet another impressive milestone. The publisher announced that worldwide shipments and digital sales had passed 20 million. This includes Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Master Edition, which launched in September 2019 and includes the base game along with the Iceborne expansion.
Capcom stated that, “In recent years, Capcom’s promotion of digital sales has enabled it to realize long-term, global sales for its major titles. With the January 2018 release of Monster Hunter: World in particular, Capcom was able to propel the Monster Hunter series to global-brand status with a series-first worldwide simultaneous launch coupled with international promotional activities, establishing the game as Capcom’s best-selling title of all time within a month of its release and being honored with awards the world over.”
Monster Hunter Rise, which launched in March 2021 for Nintendo Switch, has also done very well with the company confirming 7.5 million units sold as of September 24th. It’s currently slated for launch on PC via Steam on January 14th 2022, with a paid expansion, Sunbreak, arriving next Summer. This adds a new Elder Dragon, Master Rank quests, new locations and much more.
As for Monster Hunter World, it’s currently available for Xbox One, PS4 and PC – check out our official review here for more details. You can also read our review for Iceborne here. Stay tuned for more details on Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak in the coming months.