As if the recent slate of Monster Hunter World announcements wasn’t enough, producer Ryozo Tsujimoto has also revealed that a free limited trial for console players. It starts on December 11th at 4 PM PST and can be played up till December 17th, 3:59 PM PST. What can you expect from it in terms of content though?
Capcom confirmed that all of the story missions, gear, and quests up till Hunter Rank 4 (or 3 Star Assignments) will be available. You can explore the Ancient Forest and Wildspire Waste, though in terms of story quests, it seems the trial lasts only up to Tobi-Kadachi. Monsters like Diablos and Rathalos can be encountered in the open field though (but you might not want to mess with them).
If you own the game’s full version, then you can join a free trial player on hunts. Save data will be carried over into the full version once the trial ends and should anyone wish to continue playing and buy the game. The free trial has only been announced for Xbox One and PS4. PC players will need to wait for further information.