A new developer diary for Capcom’s Monster Hunter World: Iceborne is out and offers a ton of new information on what’s coming next. We already know about new monster Rajang and a new Volcanic region coming to the Guiding Lands. However, the development team also showcased some new things and even announced some new Tempered Monsters.
First off, we got a look at the Rajang armor set which promises to have a number of offensive properties. Then it was revealed that Gold Rathian and Silver Rathalos, two of the toughest monsters in the Guiding Lands, would be getting Tempered versions. The rewards for defeating them weren’t revealed but they won’t be easy fights.
We also got a better look at room visits which allows players to visit each other’s rooms. There are different decorations, a music player to set the tone and much, much more. It’s worth checking out the developer diary, especially since it was confirmed that the base game’s armor would be available as Layered Armor to craft. The next title update goes live tomorrow for Xbox One and PS4.