Capcom’s Monster Hunter World will be teaming up with Square Enix’s Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn for cross-promoting famous bosses as special events. While Rathalos will be heading to Final Fantasy 14, the hulking Behemoth will arrive in Monster Hunter World by “Summer 2018”.
While there’s still no release date for the content update, the official Japanese Twitter for Monster Hunter Japan announced a livestream for Behemoth on July 15th. It isn’t odd for Capcom to livestream upcoming monsters shortly before they arrive in the live game. However, the window between a livestream and release can vary. Deviljho arrived a week after its first dedicated livestream while Lunastra was livestreamed and released on nearly the same day.
Regardless, this stream will probably shed more light on the actual fight with Behemoth along with any new armour and weapons that can be crafted from its carcass. Given how recent monsters like Kulve Taroth and Lunastra brought some kind of interesting twist to the weapon meta, we’re hoping Behemoth has the same effect.
【お知らせ】7月15日(日)幕張メッセで開催の入場無料イベント「狩猟感謝祭 2018」にて、無料アップデート第4弾追加モンスター「ベヒーモス」世界初実機プレイも実施予定の「モンスターハンター:ワールド × ファイナルファンタジーXIV コラボスペシャルステージ」が実施決定!#モンハンワールド #FF14
— モンスターハンターワールド:アイスボーン公式 (@MH_official_JP) June 28, 2018