Capcom follows in the footsteps of the likes of CD Projekt and Riot Games, announcing an animated adaptation of Onimusha in collaboration with Netflix.
The PlayStation 2 classic is back with a coat of glorious HD paint and other neat additions.
You won’t be breaking the bank on storage space for this one, I can tell you that much.
The remaster will have 56 Trophies and 55 Achievements in total.
Pre-orders for the game are also now live.
The remaster continues to look good each time it is shown.
Just to be clear though, this doesn’t mean they want to annualized their franchises.
It's surprising how well the game's brand of action seems to hold up.
Capcom has released a bunch of new images from the upcoming HD re-release.
Capcom continue to knock it out of the park with their announcements.
Okay, let’s not get too excited here...
'Discussions are happening at a high level.'
Could the classic hack and slash series be making a comeback?