Overwatch 2 Sojourn Gameplay Video Showcases Abilities and Ultimate

The damage-dealer uses an assault rifle that can also doubles up as a railgun. She can also slide and boost jump around the battlefield.

Posted By | On 14th, Apr. 2022

Overwatch 2

As promised, Blizzard Entertainment has released a new gameplay trailer for Overwatch 2 focused on Sojourn. Formerly of the Canadian Special Forces, the new hero uses an assault rifle that also doubles up as a railgun. Check it out below.

Dealing damage with the rifle builds up charge for the railgun (though it’s possible to charge manually for more damage). Sojourn can also slide and boost jump around, thus being harder to pin down. Her Ultimate seems to gather enemies together in a spot not unlike Zarya’s Graviton Surge so stay tuned for more details on how that works. Interestingly, the trailer also provides a brief look at the new designs for Ashe, Bob and Wrecking Ball.

Overwatch 2 is currently in development for PS4, Xbox One, PC and Nintendo Switch. Its upcoming closed beta for PvP starts for select PC players on April 26th and along with Sojourn, there are four maps to try out, the new Pinging System and Push Mode.

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