NVidia has announced that Sony Online Entertainment’s wildly popular massively multiplayer online shooter PlanetSide 2 has finally received support for its PhysX Engine.
The game will now have hardware-accelerated PhysX effects and will add more particles that can interact with the environment during battles and just plain litter the battlefield. APEX Turbulence also reportedly uses velocity feidls to simulate realistic particle motion. So that bullet won’t just fly – it will fly with PhysX.
Since its release, PlanetSide 2 has seen its fair share of success despite only being available for the PC and delayed for several years. The game is currently free to play and allows players to join three different factions vying for supremacy over one another. Reportedly, about 2000 players occupy each area of the game, doing battle with each other.
This even helped inspire a war correspondent series, in which recordings of the battles taking place would be released by Sony. Needless to say, they were epic. Check out PlanetSide 2 today and witness the magic of PhysX while you’re at it.