Red Dead Redemption 2 is already going to be an absolute behemoth – in more ways than one, but in terms of its file size especially. But as is always the case, development on games doesn’t finish even after they’ve gone gold and been pressed onto discs. Developers keep polishing and refining their product further, a lot of which comes in the form of a day one patch on the day of release.
To no one’s surprise, that’s going to be the case with Red Dead Redemption 2 as well. As we all gear up for the launch of the hugely anticipated open world western epic, Rockstar have posted an update on their site, in which, among other things, they’ve confirmed that Red Dead Redemption 2 will launch with a day one title update.
“As is common for a game of this size and scope, there will be a downloadable title update addressing a number of last minute tweaks, bugs and fixes,” the update reads. “To ensure the best possible gameplay experience, we strongly recommend making sure you’ve downloaded this update before launching the game.”
The size of this update isn’t something they mentioned, so ideally, you should have your auto updates on, so that it’ll have finished downloading by the time the game’s available to play regardless. When will that be? October 26, but if you’re buying a physical copy from a Target store, you can get it a few hours earlier. Till then, perhaps watching these 23 seconds of leaked gameplay footage on a loop will hold you over.