Capcom’s ambitious reimagining of Resident Evil 2 is out in two days, a release that, it would be fair to say, fans have been waiting for for years and years. Despite the visual and technical powerhouse the game is, it doesn’t require too much storage space on your system (in the low 20 GBs across all three platforms)- it’s going to require a day one update, though, but that, too, is going to be similarly small in size.
The update is 533.6 MB in size (via Gear Nuke)- what does it do? The patch notes it comes with are pretty useless, and contain only two words- “bug fixes”. The game itself is surprisingly lacking in any significant bugs, but it does have some visual issues every now and then, despite its impressive technology on display, so it’s possible that those are among the issues it addresses. Either way, it’s a relief to be able to play an ambitious, excellent AAA game in today’s day and age that doesn’t require an insane amount of storage on your system, and doesn’t have patches that are larger than its own file size.
We recently reviewed Resident Evil 2, and it’s fair to say that we absolutely loved it. We called it a “a worthy modernization and re-imagining of one of the best survival horror games of all time”. Read our full review through here.