Eidos Montreal and Square Enix have announced when the next Challenge Tomb for Shadow of the Tomb Raider will be releasing. Called “The Pillar”, this tomb will see players fighting to “brave the storm” and embark on the Path of the Huracan. There are even hints about the Mayan apocalypse’s legend being revealed.
Out on December 18th, The Pillar will add another new weapon, new outfit, new skills, and new missions for players. All the DLC is part of a larger narrative, with co-op support ensuring other characters in the base game get involved. While details are still a bit scant, Eidos Montreal did release a new dev diary with slight teases of the new Challenge Tomb. Take a look below.
The development team also talked about its process for developing the DLC, the amount of polish that goes into it, and the ties that bind different team members. It’s worth a watch simply to see the design process and what the developer has in mind for future DLC updates. Shadow of the Tomb Raider is currently available for Xbox One, PS4, and PC. It’s first post-launch Challenge Tomb “The Forge” is also live, and there’s also a free trial for first-time players to enjoy.