Archive For bethesda softworks Tag

Dishonored developer: There’s still room for Single Player games

Dishonored developer: There’s still room for Single Player games

"So far we haven’t capped out."

The Elder Scrolls Online New Details and Screenshots Revealed

The Elder Scrolls Online New Details and Screenshots Revealed

The world of Tamriel is strange, mysterious and friggin' awesome.

Dishonored: The Knife of Dunwall DLC Releasing on April 16th

Dishonored: The Knife of Dunwall DLC Releasing on April 16th

Seek redemption or further plummet into darkness in this spin-off.

Dishonored DLC Screenshot Teases Playing as The Enemy

Dishonored DLC Screenshot Teases Playing as The Enemy

Control Daud's assassins in a twist on the original's story.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim DLC Dragonborn Now Available for PC

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim DLC Dragonborn Now Available for PC

Now, shout "Come at me bro" to dragons and watch them obey.

Prey 2 Rumoured Countdown Website Ends on March 1st

Prey 2 Rumoured Countdown Website Ends on March 1st

The thickening mystery further thickens...more.

New ENB Skyrim Mod Shows Glimpses of Next Gen Graphics

New ENB Skyrim Mod Shows Glimpses of Next Gen Graphics

Skyrim modding scene has been incredible.

Former Dishonored Dev: “Game Violence Doesn’t Cause Real World Violence, But Does Little to Prevent It”

Former Dishonored Dev: “Game Violence Doesn’t Cause Real World Violence, But Does Little to Prevent It”

Joe Houston makes some rather interesting points about violence in video games.

The Elder Scrolls Online New Video Features ‘The Dreugh’

The Elder Scrolls Online New Video Features ‘The Dreugh’

They look mighty friendly, for realz.

Skyrim Updates to Version 1.8 on Xbox 360: PS3 Fans’ Wait Continues

Skyrim Updates to Version 1.8 on Xbox 360: PS3 Fans’ Wait Continues

Various issues fixed, but the waiting continues for PS3 users.

Doom 3 BFG Edition Now Available in North America: Run, Hide, It Doesn’t Matter

Doom 3 BFG Edition Now Available in North America: Run, Hide, It Doesn’t Matter

Return to the dominion of Hell with id Software's remastered edition.

Dishonored Launch Trailer Announces North America Released

Dishonored Launch Trailer Announces North America Released

Arkane Studios' sprawling epic has finally released.

Dishonored “Path to Revenge” Interactive Trailer: Kill Kill KIll

Dishonored “Path to Revenge” Interactive Trailer: Kill Kill KIll

Or stealth, and then kill. But kill, nonetheless.

Bethesda Softworks Announces Battlecry Studios, To Developer New F2P MMO

Bethesda Softworks Announces Battlecry Studios, To Developer New F2P MMO

Helmed by MMO veteran Rich Vogel, the studio will be established in Austin, Texas.

Dishonored Goes Gold, Tis’ the Season for Slaughter

Dishonored Goes Gold, Tis’ the Season for Slaughter

Arkane Studios magnum opus is finally ready.

Dishonored Tales of Dunwall Episode 3 Explores the Limits of Sanity

Dishonored Tales of Dunwall Episode 3 Explores the Limits of Sanity

"In the Mind of Madness" introduces Piero, possible foreshadowing.

Dishonored The Tales From Dunwall Episode 2: Of Feeding Hands and Other Miracles

Dishonored The Tales From Dunwall Episode 2: Of Feeding Hands and Other Miracles

The look into Dunwall's origins continues.

Dishonored Developer Documentary Part 3 Talks “Experience” and Player Choice

Dishonored Developer Documentary Part 3 Talks “Experience” and Player Choice

It's like Mass Effect, only everything is a Renegade choice!

Dishonored Documentary Part 2 Goes Deeper with “Immersion”

Dishonored Documentary Part 2 Goes Deeper with “Immersion”

Industrial design, architecture and more detailed by the Arkane Studios team via dramatic camera angles.