The best of the best "almost but not quite" open world experiences out there.
Even the most eagle-eyed players can walk right into these.
FromSoftware's RPG series continue to revel in its global success.
Just when you thought these fights was over, these bosses unveil other new forms.
Annoying as they can be, these jump scares really got us good.
Just when things seemed easy, these bosses came along for a bad time.
They may seem tough but these bosses crumple before decent stealth.
Ever banged your head against a wall? This is what that feels like.
Going out of your way? Be careful - these bonus areas take no prisoners.
They may seem cool in video games but not so much in the real world.
Be it a love and hate relationship or unbridled passion, these games consumed many lives over the years.
Hard to narrow it down to just thirty.
Colouring outside the lines.
Because getting your ass handed to you by the same boss fifteen times in a row isn't challenging enough.
They may not seem like a big threat at first but these bosses posed quite the challenge.
It all made sense, once upon a time, but now you just can't remember what's what in a game.
How do some titles command so many hours of playtime across a variety of genres?
Good luck having any sweet dreams after seeing these horrid creatures.
Prepare your playlists to die.
The more the merrier, right? Here are 15 times you fight sequential bosses.