PC players will still receive the update on December 11.
The issue seems to have been resolved, according to a community manager.
Bethesda plans to release a "variety of in-game events" throughout a week.
Submit a ticket by January 31st, 2019 and Bethesda will send a replacement when it's ready.
Several other fixes and stability improvements also included in the December 4th update.
Major US retailer posts $488.6 million loss in the midst of falling share price.
For now, it’s best that all hands be on deck trying to fix Fallout 76, so this is fine.
The developer once again promises significant forthcoming improvements.
It seems like everything to do with Fallout 76 has been at the centre of some controversy or the other.
Fallout 76 may have a future but will it find success with its current focus, especially in such a crowded market?
Battlefield 5 debuts in second place, while Fallout 76 sees a significant drop.
C.A.M.P. quality of life features, SPECIAL respec, and much more coming in the next few weeks.
Reddit users criticize developer's response, noting the same comment being reused for other threads.
No guarantee this will work for you, but there’s no harm in at least trying.
Bethesda's latest title has already been subject to some major price drops.
"It gets in front of a lot of the questions that we knew people were going to ask," says Bethesda's Pete Hines.
The Wasteland is well and truly empty.
Mastering the secrets of Fallout 76’s Wasteland.
Fallout 76 is out. Many players hate it. Here's why.
If these reports are true, Bethesda may be trying to make things right with its players.