Time to get ready for the upcoming avalanche of games!
You’re going to need to spend a lot of time on this game...
The "incredible list of updates" also includes faction-based PvP and new quests/events.
Bethesda were right- this definitely qualifies as "an unforeseen problem".
Whether you had fun or loathed it, here are a few things that Fallout 76 needs immediately.
The trend of ridiculously huge day one patches continues...
It seems like Bethesda actually treated the beta testing period for the game as a beta, rather than as a glorified marketing demo like so many other companies do.
Looks like this was one of the problems with the game they mentioned was getting fixed.
While I would prefer no microtransactions, it doesn’t seem to be too bad right now.
But admits that there HAS been some legitimate feedback the developers have received, and are working on addressing.
Bethesda addresses numerous bugs, glitches, and the overall stability of the client.
The beta will be available for all platforms on November 6th and 8th.
"How long is Fallout 76 going to be up? Forever."
They're nothing special, but something's better than nothing.
Some of these look pretty interesting.
Hines apologizes for issues while noting that this is "in fact the whole point of doing this beta".
The string of blockbuster releases continues into November with Fallout 76, Battlefield 5 and more.
The November 1st beta will run for an additional four hours.
Bethesda's Pete Hines admits being on the right side of the line for microtransactions can be "pretty ambiguous".
Watch freshly emerged Vault-dwellers admire a nuclear explosion.