Beats Red Dead Redemption 2, Battlefield 5, and Fallout 76 in the multiplatform category.
If you're an Xbox Insider and pre-ordered the game, then you get even earlier access.
Progression in Fallout 76 seems to be a good mix of solo and co-op gameplay.
Bethesda's Pete Hines also feels it will help with "issues and challenges seen in the past".
Bethesda's Pete Hines also confirmed that mods will only work on private servers.
Everything you need to know about Fallout 76.
Atoms will be your currency for purchasing skins, outfits, and other cosmetics.
The wasteland of West Virginia looks suitably huge.
More survival AND action oriented gameplay elements.
If you're not convinced yet, these videos should do a good job of bringing you on board.
It works more as an aim assist now than anything, really.
"I don't just want to able to play against people on other platforms. I also want to be able to take my progress with me from device to device."
We're in for a wait with these two games, folks. Though I guess we already knew that.
That said, he also says that on the whole, they don't expect issues arising from the launcher as much as they do from other factors.
The truth is out there, these games are all in the same universe!
Uncle Pete answers more of your questions.
Even though cross-play is not a priority yet, it might still end up happening.
PS4 and PC players will have to wait until October 30th.
Crossplay support is not a priority right now as the developers focus on BETA and launch.
Bethesda's Pete Hines says more details could come "hopefully this week".