Archive For Kingdom Hearts III Tag

Final Fantasy 15 And Kingdom Hearts 3 Still In Top 10 of Famitsu’s Most Wanted Games

Final Fantasy 15 And Kingdom Hearts 3 Still In Top 10 of Famitsu’s Most Wanted Games

Coming at number 3 and 5 respectively.

Final Fantasy 15 And Kingdom Hearts 3 Director Attending SDCC 2014

Final Fantasy 15 And Kingdom Hearts 3 Director Attending SDCC 2014

But new information about the game remains unlikely.

Final Fantasy 15 And Kingdom Hearts 3 Still Being Developed On DX11

Final Fantasy 15 And Kingdom Hearts 3 Still Being Developed On DX11

So a PC version might still be a possibility.

Final Fantasy 15 Drops to Fifth in Famitsu Most Wanted List, Kingdom Hearts 3 at Seventh

Final Fantasy 15 Drops to Fifth in Famitsu Most Wanted List, Kingdom Hearts 3 at Seventh

Square Enix's upcoming epics are still very much in the top ten ahead of E3 2014 though.

Final Fantasy 15 And Kingdom Hearts 3 May be Showcased At E3 2014

Final Fantasy 15 And Kingdom Hearts 3 May be Showcased At E3 2014

Square Enix CEO and president Yosuke Matsuda also talks about appealing to JRPG fans.

Final Fantasy 15 Pre Orders Canned At goHastings , Kingdom Hearts 3 Locations Teased

Final Fantasy 15 Pre Orders Canned At goHastings , Kingdom Hearts 3 Locations Teased

Are you a Disney guy or a Square Enix guy?

Final Fantasy 15 And Kingdom Hearts 3 Still Rank in Top 5 of Famitsu’s Most Wanted List

Final Fantasy 15 And Kingdom Hearts 3 Still Rank in Top 5 of Famitsu’s Most Wanted List

Both games maintain strong standings despite tough competition.

Final Fantasy 15 Still Linked to FFXIII, Given “Very High Priority” Along With KH3

Final Fantasy 15 Still Linked to FFXIII, Given “Very High Priority” Along With KH3

The name might have changed but it's still connected to Fabula Nova Crystallis.

Kingdom Hearts 3 Drive Forms Discussed, Final Fantasy 15 Receives ‘Title Trailer’

Kingdom Hearts 3 Drive Forms Discussed, Final Fantasy 15 Receives ‘Title Trailer’

What kind of Drive Forms should KH3 have?

Final Fantasy 15 To Have Its Own Unique Combat System, Kingdom Hearts 3 Not Due In 2014

Final Fantasy 15 To Have Its Own Unique Combat System, Kingdom Hearts 3 Not Due In 2014

Square Enix thankfully clarifies a few things.

Final Fantasy 15 And Kingdom Hearts 3 Among Most Wanted Games In Japan

Final Fantasy 15 And Kingdom Hearts 3 Among Most Wanted Games In Japan

Though surprisingly the latter ranks a few places lower.

Square Enix Focused on Flagship Titles Like Final Fantasy 15 And Kingdom Hearts 3 for PS4 & Xbox One

Square Enix Focused on Flagship Titles Like Final Fantasy 15 And Kingdom Hearts 3 for PS4 & Xbox One

Development will not be completely devoted to just smartphone devices.

Final Fantasy XV Won’t Be Releasing Before March 2014

Final Fantasy XV Won’t Be Releasing Before March 2014

Fans will have to wait a little longer for Nomura's epic.

Kingdom Hearts III: Sora Gets Transforming Keyblade, Attraction Park Ride Attacks Explained

Kingdom Hearts III: Sora Gets Transforming Keyblade, Attraction Park Ride Attacks Explained

Beat on enemies with a ship and alter your keyblade for new attacks.

Square Enix TGS 2013 Site Goes Live, Final Fantasy XV and Kingdom Hearts 3 Not Listed

Square Enix TGS 2013 Site Goes Live, Final Fantasy XV and Kingdom Hearts 3 Not Listed

This doesn't mean either won't be making an appearance however.