The wasteland has never looked better, no matter which platform you experience Mad Max on.
Max's journey of madness is a pretty but repetitive affair.
A few tech tips for Mad Max.
Complete Mad Max's side missions using this guide.
Mad Max arrives in second place.
A complete video walkthrough of all the story missions in Mad Max.
September is chockfull of great games.
PC settings for both games allow users to tweak to their likings.
John Fuller from Avalanche Studios explains the finer details of the upcoming action-adventure game, Mad Max.
Avalanche's John Fuller also talks about functions of the Magnum Opus.
Do you have an hour to spare?
Desolate destruction.
Max is mad.
Your journey into the Wasteland will require a sizable amount of installation space.
And you really DO choose your path, since it is an interactive trailer.
Live dangerously.
The wasteland is full of interesting sights and sounds.
Watch and learn more about the car combat from Avalanche.
Check out Scrotus, Max's machine and some dessert fights in these pics.