Also: Major Nelson of USA takes on AceyBongos of Europe.
"Not the most flattering name, but I think it's going to be there."
Major Nelson getting real with it.
Despite Major Nelson hating it.
Production hasn't been rushed, despite some concerns.
Major Nelson teases new Xbox One games.
The Microsoft Games Studios VP thinks Crytek did "a great job" with the graphics while calling combat "strong".
Xbox One and Xbox 360 users may not be able to Party or voice chat with each other.
Once again, that doesn't it won't be possible at all.
The upcoming Xbox Live update will phase out Microsoft Points and allow for improved performance.
The next free game for Xbox 360
A bevy of recently released and older titles will be available at (currently unknown) discounts.
Microsoft gears up for E3 2013.
"No, really?" statement of the year?
And the confusion continues.
Major Nelson talks to Yahoo regarding Xbox One topics
A sell within 60 minutes? We'll soon find out.
And so it begins. Again.
Xbox Live Silver Members can now join the Xbox Live Gold Club for the weekend
Apply cold water to burn area.