Archive For Microsoft Tag

Fable 3 versus Fable 2 HD screenshot comparison

Fable 3 versus Fable 2 HD screenshot comparison

Fable III is looking like it is going to be one of the top role playing games this year. With the talented LionHead studios burning the midnight oil to get this game ready, we at GamingBolt decided to... Read More

Microsoft working on ‘large franchise’ to go with Natal

Microsoft working on ‘large franchise’ to go with Natal

Using the buzzwords 'combat' and 'strategy', a Senior Level Designer at Microsoft has announced that the big M is working on a 'large franchise' to work with Natal. It is so far unknown as to w... Read More

Beautiful Katamari on Xbox Live

Beautiful Katamari on Xbox Live

A very short news from us, here at GamingBolt. Beautiful Katamari is the latest addition to Xbox Live's Games on Demand library. The game is now available for download for £19.99. Considering the qua... Read More

Natals life span will be about 5 years

Natals life span will be about 5 years

According to Microsoft’s Aaron Greenberg, Microsoft's new Project Natal should have a life span of about 5 years - “The richness of the technology is going to really enable experiences that nev... Read More

Bungie CM surprised at the amount of content in Halo: Reach Beta

Bungie CM surprised at the amount of content in Halo: Reach Beta

In a video interview with IGN, Bungie's Community Manager is expressing surprise at the amount of content in Halo: Reach Beta. He said: "I think people will just be excited by how much content the ... Read More

Halo Reach versus Killzone 2 HD screenshot comparison

Halo Reach versus Killzone 2 HD screenshot comparison

Halo Reach is arguably Xbox 360’s biggest game this year. Yes it has Fable III, Alan Wake and Splinter Cell: Conviction, but come on, we all know the impact that Halo games make on Microsoft’s con... Read More

Peter Molyneux: ‘Fable III is no RPG’

Peter Molyneux: ‘Fable III is no RPG’

Speaking to, Peter Molyneux believes that the next game is the Fable series will no longer be a role playing game, in fact he claims it will be an action adventure game. Fabl... Read More

X10: Alan Wake new Screen shots released

X10: Alan Wake new Screen shots released

Microsoft seems to have releasing a lot of new info and screens on their upcoming exclusives. This time, Microsoft released screens from Alan Wake by Remedy. I will like to add that I am really lookin... Read More

Crackdown 2 in June no longer

Crackdown 2 in June no longer

Microsoft has released a statement apologising for an incorrect email that stated Crackdown 2's release as being this June. Apparently the time frame given for the game was wrong; here is the f... Read More

X10: It is time to infiltrate: Splinter Cell Conviction screens

X10: It is time to infiltrate: Splinter Cell Conviction screens

Splinter Cell Conviction after getting tons of delays and finally getting a release date of 13th April, 2010, is really looking it will shape to an amazing game. I believe the extra time that Ubisoft ... Read More

X10: Welcome back to Albion: Fable III Screenshots

X10: Welcome back to Albion: Fable III Screenshots

Microsoft have released some screen shots of the upcoming exclusive Fable III. Judging by the screen shots, Fable III looks like it will continue the impressive gameplay elements and visuals that ma... Read More

Why the PS3 will eventually sell more units than the Xbox 360

Why the PS3 will eventually sell more units than the Xbox 360

Ok before I start this editorial, I will like to make one point very clear. I am not a PlayStation 3 fan boy or an Xbox 360 hater. In fact I have both gaming consoles and love them. Then why the hell ... Read More

Final Fantasy XIII limited edition for the Xbox 360

Final Fantasy XIII limited edition for the Xbox 360

Square Enix have announced that a limited edition package Final Fantasy XIII for the Xbox 360 will be available. The limited edition will consist of a 250 GB Xbox 360, two controllers and obviously a ... Read More

Peter Molyneux: Natal ‘can be a bigger change’ than the mouse

Peter Molyneux: Natal ‘can be a bigger change’ than the mouse

In an interview with Gamereactor, Peter Molyneux shared a few tid bits on the possibilities of Project Natal. He said, "I'm enthusiastic about the change that Natal gives, if you're thinking that Nata... Read More

Ubisoft Announces Ghost Recon: Future Soldier

Ubisoft Announces Ghost Recon: Future Soldier

Its been over two years since we played the last Ghost Recon game by Ubisoft. But there is great news for Ghost Recon fans as Ubisioft have announced the next game in the famed series: Future Soldier.... Read More

Mass Effect 2 saves might not work with Mass Effect 3

Mass Effect 2 saves might not work with Mass Effect 3

When Mass Effect 2 went under development the first thing Bioware announced was that Mass Effect saves will work in Mass Effect, hence changing some of the story elements in the sequel. But the case ... Read More

Fable III to upset some people

Fable III to upset some people

From Copenhagen, Peter Molyneux was speaking in a gaming convention about the current state of video games, Project Natal and the upcoming Xbox 360 exclusive Fable III. According to TheVideoGameBlog ... Read More

Metro 2033 will not get a pre-release demo

Metro 2033 will not get a pre-release demo

Metro 2033 is one of those games that is actually gaining a lot of popularity in the recent months for its amazing visuals on the Xbox 360 and the PC. Gamers around the world are impressed the great j... Read More

Bayonetta Review

Bayonetta Review

There’s no telling how high my expectations were while I was waiting to get my hands on Bayonetta.  All I can say was that I expected a lot.  Being a PS3 owner, and no 360 yet in sight, not due to... Read More

Discontinuation of Xbox Live for Xbox games

Discontinuation of Xbox Live for Xbox games

They say some things should come to an end. Well they were right as Marc Whitten, Xbox Live employee mentioned that Xbox games will be discontinued from Xbox Live from April 15th, 2010. Marc Whitten, ... Read More