It looks like third parties are willing to go all in on Switch- although how exactly, it remains to be seen.
Fans should not be expecting Bioware's and Rockstar's next big titles to hit Nintendo's new system.
As we go into 2017, these are the mistakes Nintendo simply cannot afford.
However, he is speaking on the basis of leaked specs, as opposed to official documentation.
That would be pretty sweet- if the game itself is actually good.
Some character details also revealed.
Neither game is actually a Sony product.
And most of the reports on the system's specs appear to be based on the older devkits.
It's good to see Nintendo not cheaping out on the essentials for once.
Banjo-Kazooie got a makeover.
This news should please pixel counters, I imagine.
Michael Pachter on the upcoming consoles.
New IP meant for home consoles, new Persona game announcement may be coming early next year.
Unreal Engine 4 corroborates earlier reports on the Switch.
The trailer shows the first glimpse of gameplay.
It will be comparable to previous chapters.
In addition to OpenGL 4.5 & OpenGL ES.
A Switch version will be coming after all.