Developers JumpStick talk about their upcoming VR kayaking title.
It seems like the long protracted legal saga is at an end at last.
It’s a fair assessment, but how will they fare against the consolidated power of Nintendo’s first party?
A PlayStation Move patch for the game's PS4 version has also been confirmed.
Bethesda's previous mobile game had very fair monetization, so I think they've earned the benefit of the doubt on this one.
Insomniac shows off yet another cool looking VR game.
Attempting to take VR mainstream.
Calls PlayStation VR "kind of clunky".
Jury finds ZeniMax's case to hold up to scrutiny.
Zenimax accuses Luckey of using their technology and stealing their documents to develop their product.
What a messy launch.
"We'll be covering shipping and handling costs for all orders placed through today."
"Even if we can support it on the software side, there is just no audience of people that can run the vast majority of software out there."
And both are apparently far ahead of Nintendo.
Including Russia, China, Brazil, and India.
That's extremely nice of them.
What is the point of this?
Oculus CTO believes the device is "like getting religion on contact".