"The number of processor cores has increased as well, and so has the memory bandwidth," explains Cloakworks' Joe van den Heuvel.
A complete video walkthrough for Worms Battlegrounds.
At least they are not outright denying a potential Xbox One version.
The reason is laughable.
Knack is being turned into a franchise. Oh noez.
Industry insider clarifies about the firmware update and teases for an interesting Gamescom.
Look! PS+ on PS4 doesn't suck for a change!
Is it good value for money yet?
Paul Rustchynsky on what is coming next for DriveClub.
They apparently helped out with the online infrastructure too.
The Elder Scrolls Online is already running at a rock solid 30fps on PS4 and Xbox One.
SKU, launch lineup, pricing, everything.
A paltry bit of the plethora of fun that was beheld at E3 2014.
The game is all about shared experiences.
No news on a Nemesis release date yet, though.
Is Unity going to be a rehash of the old games or will it set new standards for the series?
Bungie loves PlayStation.
Level designer Bruno St-André explains the benefits that PS4 and Xbox One have bought to the franchise.