Archive For ps4 Tag

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Wiki

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Wiki

Everything you want to know about the game.

No Real Benefit in Buying PS4 Over Gaming PC – Nordic Games BM

No Real Benefit in Buying PS4 Over Gaming PC – Nordic Games BM

It depends on the games ultimately.

Dragon Age 3 Release Date Revealed By A Retailer

Dragon Age 3 Release Date Revealed By A Retailer

Placeholder probably.

Thief Reboot: Eidos Montreal Experimented With “Prototypes for Third Person Perspective”

Thief Reboot: Eidos Montreal Experimented With “Prototypes for Third Person Perspective”

However, in the name of stealth, it didn't quite work out.

10 Graphics Technologies That Will Push The Visuals On PS4 And Xbox 720

10 Graphics Technologies That Will Push The Visuals On PS4 And Xbox 720

A look into the technical bits and bobs we want in next gen graphics.

Crytek CEO on Next Gen Consoles: “Going Beyond Our Estimates Would Be a Potential Death Knell”

Crytek CEO on Next Gen Consoles: “Going Beyond Our Estimates Would Be a Potential Death Knell”

Cevat Yerli explains just why the upcoming next-gen consoles don't fit into his opinion of "next-gen".

Deep Down Gets a Teaser Site, Still Pretty Mysterious

Deep Down Gets a Teaser Site, Still Pretty Mysterious

An indication of more official news to come perhaps?

“PS4 Specs in the Neighbourhood of Low-End CPU”: NVidia Senior VP

“PS4 Specs in the Neighbourhood of Low-End CPU”: NVidia Senior VP

Tony Tamasi outlines how quickly the PS4 - and next gen consoles - will be behind PCs.

New turn-based Warhammer 40K strategy game in the works

New turn-based Warhammer 40K strategy game in the works

Coming to multiple platforms.

Dead Island on Next Gen Platforms: “We Would Be Stupid Not to” According to Dev

Dead Island on Next Gen Platforms: “We Would Be Stupid Not to” According to Dev

While expectations shouldn't be raised, fans should keep an eye out in the coming year.

Xbox 360 Sells 302K Consoles in February, Tops US Market

Xbox 360 Sells 302K Consoles in February, Tops US Market

Beats the competition for the 26th straight month.

Thief’s Garrett not mainstream, director’s quote was misinterpreted

Thief’s Garrett not mainstream, director’s quote was misinterpreted

This is a better explanation from the game director.

Gamestop sees strong demand for the PS4

Gamestop sees strong demand for the PS4

Well it won't be $599.

Xbox 720 Permanent Connection Only the Beginning? Ian Livingstone Talks the Future With No Box

Xbox 720 Permanent Connection Only the Beginning? Ian Livingstone Talks the Future With No Box

All roads point to one eventuality: No more box.

Nvidia didn’t want to work with Sony on PS4 at the price they offered

Nvidia didn’t want to work with Sony on PS4 at the price they offered

Microsoft's next gen console is rumoured to use AMD card as well.

Sinper Elite 3 unveiled, Heading to Xbox 360, PS3 and next gen consoles

Sinper Elite 3 unveiled, Heading to Xbox 360, PS3 and next gen consoles

Heading to Xbox 360, PS3 and next gen consoles as well.

Thief: Garrett has mainstream design, game more accessible

Thief: Garrett has mainstream design, game more accessible

The game could be good.

Sony CEO on PS4: “We Still Have a Long Ways To Go Before Actual Product Launch”

Sony CEO on PS4: “We Still Have a Long Ways To Go Before Actual Product Launch”

Right now, the curiosity is the main thing.

DriveClub Wiki

DriveClub Wiki

Everything you want to know about the game.

Killzone: Shadow Fall Wiki

Killzone: Shadow Fall Wiki

Everything you want to know about the game.