Oculus says the game will be at the OC6 event in September.
"We do believe in this game as a live game," says Executive Producer Drew McCoy.
The franchises are closer than just the whole losing hands thing.
Well, that was out of nowhere.
Apparently the E3 demo didn't paint the best picture.
They promise a game neither too hard nor too short, but just right.
This has been a good E3 for Star Wars fans.
Interesting new story and storytelling details about Respawn's upcoming game have come to light.
Tons of new gameplay details from Respawn's upcoming action-adventure title have emerged.
Respawn are creating it strictly as a "Jedi story".
Season 2: Battle Charge starts on July 2nd.
Combat, Force powers, and much more are showcased in this nearly 14 minute alpha gameplay video.
Worldwide reveal of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order's gameplay, The Sims 4, and more to be showcased.
You will climb in this game.
Take a look at what the force will look like on your shelf.
Respawn's action-adventure title will be getting plenty of attention during E3 week.
"The game does have hope," says game director Stig Asmuseen.
The limited time event offers new rewards.
A lineup of cancelled games and a couple of disappointing releases- how is EA getting it so wrong?
Respawn's free to play battle royale generated $24 million last month.