The PS4 edition is good for more than just raking in the dough.
Now available at retail and digitally.
Welcome to the whimsical mind of Richard Hogg.
The Terminal and Stormgracht offer up new means to kill.
Promises system software stability. Sounds like fun!
Andrew House believes in appealing to those who never bought a PS3 with remastered titles.
Black isn't the only shade of PS4 that will retail this year.
SCE president talks about Resogun and how not everyone tried it despite it being free on PS Plus.
Shuhei Yoshida says the coverage of TV show Powers could have been made shorter.
SCE's Shuhei Yoshida confirms the team is working hard on the game.
Another year, another reason The Last Guardian is missing.
Nathan Drake's character model features double the number of polygons of Joel from The Last of Us PS3.
That's werewolves for the rest of ye.
Drake's last bow?
Trailer may contain spoilers (duh).
Another Conduit enters the fray.
Subscribers can look forward to two big Instant Game Collection releases on May 20th.
DriveClub Showcases PS4 Graphical Finesse, Features Moisture on Windshields.
The studio has other things going on besides The Last of Us: Remastered and Uncharted on PS4.
Rural Canada looks extremely good in Evolution Studios' PS4-exclusive racer.