Archive For sony Tag

Kojima: We’ve proven it’s possible to make PS3 quality games on NGP

Kojima: We’ve proven it’s possible to make PS3 quality games on NGP

Hideo Kojima, game developer extraordinaire, has said during his presentation at Playstation Meeting 2011, during the NGP reveal that they have given the audience visual proof that it's indeed possi... Read More

Playstation Move Heroes demo confirmed

Playstation Move Heroes demo confirmed

Playstation Move Heroes is perhaps one of the most anticipated PS Move titles which are due for a release this year. The official PS Blog revealed a special PS Move bundle which comes with the ga... Read More

Killzone 3: The Best Shooter Since Half Life 2?

Killzone 3: The Best Shooter Since Half Life 2?

KILLZONE 3 VIDEO PREVIEW IN HD [HTML1] With Guerilla Game's flagship FPS franchise seeing its third major release (excluding Killzone: Liberation) next month, now seems like a better time than ever ... Read More

Wrap Up: PSP2/NGP- All the news in one place!

Wrap Up: PSP2/NGP- All the news in one place!

Well, it's been a crazy day for us all at the news front, with the entire PSP2/NGP news blowout, and since there's so much news for you to go through, we decided we'd compile it all in one place and... Read More

BioWare details upcoming Mass Effect 2 PS3 patch

BioWare details upcoming Mass Effect 2 PS3 patch

BioWare has detailed the upcoming patch for their PS3 port of Mass Effect 2, to fix save and freezing problems some PS3 owners have been facing. The patch has had some games corrupting their save fi... Read More

PSP2’s price is “not going to be $599,” says Sony

PSP2’s price is “not going to be $599,” says Sony

Sony recently said they'll try and keep the price of the PSP2 (NGP) affordable, and some execs said it'll be $599.99. Shu Yoshida, worldwide boss of SCE confirmed that that's not true. "From the ve... Read More

“We will shoot for an affordable price” for PSP2- Sony

“We will shoot for an affordable price” for PSP2- Sony

[caption id="attachment_19873" align="aligncenter" width="505" caption="That's the rear of the system, just in case you were wondering."][/caption] With all the crazy new specs having been reveal... Read More

Kojima- PSP2 IS as powerful as PS3, will announce new game for the handheld at E3

Kojima- PSP2 IS as powerful as PS3, will announce new game for the handheld at E3

When the PSP2- or NGP- was announced earlier today, Sony claimed that the system is equally as powerful as their super-powerful home console- PS3. For the cynics out there who didn't believe them, K... Read More

Sony announces third party support for PSP2, 82 companies backing up the system

Sony announces third party support for PSP2, 82 companies backing up the system

Sony has released a list of all the third party developers from Japan, North America and Europe who will be supporting their PSP2, and I have to say, it's a staggeringly impressive list.... I mean, ... Read More

PS3 firmware update to patch security issues

PS3 firmware update to patch security issues

The incoming v3.56 update for the PS3's firmware will introduce a new security patch to Sony's home console. The company described the patch as minor but, if it can fix all the PS3's recent security... Read More

Sony reveals NGP will have multiple SKUs, 3G not standard, Wi-fi IS standard

Sony reveals NGP will have multiple SKUs, 3G not standard, Wi-fi IS standard

Sony has revealed that their next gen handheld system, PSP2, currently codenamed NGP, will have multiple models with different functionalities, and will be differently priced. They have also reveale... Read More

Sony attempting to corner casual gaming market

Sony attempting to corner casual gaming market

While Sony's new PSP2/NGP seems fit to tame the hearts and minds of the core gaming scene, it seems Sony are also interested in tapping into the casual market by releasing Sony titles on Android ena... Read More

Uncharted on the PSP2/NGP: 720P

Uncharted on the PSP2/NGP: 720P

So earlier today, it was announced that Uncharted will come over to the PSP2/NGP.  There were also a lot of videos leaked on Youtube but they were all 360P. The one we got is not only longer but ... Read More

Let’s Have A Look at the PSP2 (OR NGP)

Let’s Have A Look at the PSP2 (OR NGP)

More PSP2 goodness for you guys: Here's the first look at what the PSP2 looks like, fellas (thanks Kotaku!) Click on the above images to see them full size!Read More

PSP2/NGP specs revealed by Sony

PSP2/NGP specs revealed by Sony

Sony has released a press release, revealing all the specs of the PSP2, and it's damned impressive. It's more powerful than the PS3- no, really. Check out all the specs below: "SONY COMPUTER ENTER... Read More

New PSP2/NGP details

New PSP2/NGP details

Sony has revealed more info for their new handheld system, the NGP. It will have a new hub page for a game called Live Area, where users can get different information on the game, and jump into the... Read More

Sony announces new handheld system, NGP; Uncharted also on the system

Sony announces new handheld system, NGP; Uncharted also on the system

Sony, at their PlayStation Meeting in Japan, just announced their next generation handheld console, called the NGP- Next Generation Portable. That images given above are the true image of the syst... Read More

PSP2 not actually phone, but will have 3G

PSP2 not actually phone, but will have 3G

The PSP2 will be supported by 3G connectivity, but won't actually be able to make phone calls according to Nikkei (via Adriasang). Sony's new handheld will have its 3G service provided by NTT DoCoMo... Read More

INFAMOUS 2: A Revolutionary Graphical Leap?

INFAMOUS 2: A Revolutionary Graphical Leap?

Please click the image to see it in a pop up and use back next button to navigate through them infamous-1 It’s a well known fact that sequels on the PlayStation 3... Read More

Sony Minis Review – ‘Carnivores: Dinosaur Hunter’ and ‘Normal Tanks’

Sony Minis Review – ‘Carnivores: Dinosaur Hunter’ and ‘Normal Tanks’

First off this is my first review of any Sony Minis titles and secondly these are definitely meant to be played on the PSP, although playable on the Playstation 3.  I would do these as separate r... Read More