Archive For sony Tag

Sony hiring for a new anti-piracy team

Sony hiring for a new anti-piracy team

Recent job listings for Sony suggest that the company are trying to bolster their defences against hackers. SCEA's recruitment site posted the ads that requested a senior corporate counsel and senio... Read More

Sony India Boss: NGP will truly revolutionize the handheld gaming space

Sony India Boss: NGP will truly revolutionize the handheld gaming space

[caption id="attachment_23217" align="aligncenter" width="363" caption="Mr. Atindriya Bose: Country Manager, Sony Computer Entertainment"][/caption] Gamingbolt recently got a chance to quiz Playstati... Read More

Killzone 3 Contest Winners Announced

Killzone 3 Contest Winners Announced

What a two weeks it has been! Exciting, Exhilarating and according to some participants, Tiring! But it all comes down to this. Three lucky candidates or should I say three deserving candidates h... Read More

Killzone 3 India Launch Party: ‘Exhilarating’

Killzone 3 India Launch Party: ‘Exhilarating’

So a couple of days ago I was at the Killzone 3 Launch Event party here in my city and if I have to sum it up in one word, it was 'Exhilirating'. Being a media guy I had to leave from my workplace a b... Read More

Xperia PLAY given UK price and market description

Xperia PLAY given UK price and market description

Online retailer have listed the upcoming playstation phone, the Xperia PLAY. The item is listed as releasing on the 28th March and will run you a rather hefty £519.99. The item listing ... Read More

Ueda: PS3 enabled me to do things I could not succeed in doing with PS2

Ueda: PS3 enabled me to do things I could not succeed in doing with PS2

The latest issue of PSM3 is running a long feature involving Fumito Ueda's latest game, The Last Guardian. The magazine, apart from getting a hands-on demo and many inside information regarding t... Read More

Being profitable more important than outselling Xbox 360- Sony

Being profitable more important than outselling Xbox 360- Sony

Sony's PlayStation brand manager, Scott McCarthy, said, while talking to IndustryGamers, that they were following the Nintendo approach to gaming, and looking to keep profitability as their highest ... Read More

CryEngine supported on NGP

CryEngine supported on NGP

Sony have officially confirmed that the CryEngine development tools from Crytek will be supported by their upcoming NGP. This was discovered when Sony announced what development tools are now availa... Read More

Ten PS3 games that will be remembered in future generations [GALLERY]

Ten PS3 games that will be remembered in future generations [GALLERY]

[drop-cap]R[/drop-cap]ight from the golden days of the PlayStation One to the trend setting days of the PlayStation 2, the brand has given us innumerable games that we have not forgotten till date. Ga... Read More

New PS3 hack unbans consoles

New PS3 hack unbans consoles

Following Sony's decision to ban certain users from the PSN for jailbreaking their PS3 consoles, the modding community has snapped back with a new hack that will allow users to unban themselves. ... Read More

Killzone 3 Video Review

Killzone 3 Video Review

We had planned a video review of Killzone 3 and actually had the video ready before my HDD burnt out. But anyways below you will find the video review for Killzone 3. Apologies for the delay. [HT... Read More

Vision Game Engine to Support PSP2/NGP

Vision Game Engine to Support PSP2/NGP

Trinigy, a 3D game engine provider with offices in Germany, Austin, TX and Seoul, Korea, announced today that upcoming versions of the Vision Game Engine will fully support the next generation por... Read More

Sony “not even debating” a PS4

Sony “not even debating” a PS4

Despite the PS3 having been out for five years already, fans shouldn't hold their breath for a new console any time soon. Sony Computer Entertainment boss Kaz Hirai told Japanese news website PC Imp... Read More

Sony to ban hacked PS3 users

Sony to ban hacked PS3 users

Following an official statement last night, Sony have lowered the ban hammer on several users of hacked PS3 consoles. Some users on prominent hacking forums have reported being sent an email from Sony... Read More

God of War 4: Can it better God of War 3?

God of War 4: Can it better God of War 3?

God of War four is definitely being talked about a lot lately, and everyone is excited to see just what will come next now that the trilogy has been completed. Director of project development at Sony ... Read More

PlayStation Access: Get a chance to play inFamous 2 & and SOCOM: Special Forces

PlayStation Access: Get a chance to play inFamous 2 & and SOCOM: Special Forces

Moving on from the trial of PlayStation Beta in 2010, PlayStation Access launches in February. Touching in Glasgow, Access will be giving Gamers the chance to get hands on with the great new softw... Read More

Jak and Daxter PS3: What we want to see

Jak and Daxter PS3: What we want to see

With more details trickling in on the upcoming PS Move Heroes week by week, hope has been given to all for potential sequels for some of the most beloved Sony exclusive platformers: Sly Cooper, Ratche... Read More

RUMOR ALERT: Sony Suspends All Development on Playstation 4, There Will Be No Playstation 4

RUMOR ALERT: Sony Suspends All Development on Playstation 4, There Will Be No Playstation 4

Uh oh. Well, this doesn't sound too good. As TheSixthAxis reports, a Japanese website is stating that Sony Computer Entertainment has halted all development on the next generation Playstation hom... Read More

10 Reasons Killzone 3 Was the Awesome Game It Was [Gallery]

10 Reasons Killzone 3 Was the Awesome Game It Was [Gallery]

[drop-cap]A[/drop-cap]s you guys already know that we reviewed Killzone 3 yesterday and even though it has its own shortcomings we still think it is an awesome game and is well worth your money. To... Read More

XMB dropped for NGP

XMB dropped for NGP

The xross media bar (XMB) used as the main user interface in the PSP and PS3 will not be used on the upcoming NGP due to a “social networking factor.” Sony president Shuhei Yoshida revealed t... Read More