That said, they may yet happen in the future.
Infinite ammunition.
Ultra setting requirements also confirmed.
One of the favorite modes from the original returns.
"Maps we showed in the tech test were shown for different purposes."
Well, this is a bummer.
Starring Jack Cooper and BT-7274.
I wonder what kinds of enhancements it will have.
Check out the first DLC map for Titanfall 2.
Not quite sure what to make of that.
Titanfall has changed. Is it still fun?
Looks like Respawn are heavily pushing the single player campaign in Titanfall 2.
Nothing stops the Predator Cannon.
Classic Titanfall map returns for the sequel.
Legion, Tone, Ronin and Northstar showcased.
'Titanfall runs its best at 60fps.'
Cross play Titanfall would be admittedly awesome.
Bounty Hunt, Amped Weapons and more have been changed.
Bold statement? For sure.
Respawn discusses changes to be made to the final game.